Head of the Corporate Planning and Strategy Division, Head of the Engineer Agency Business Division
Director and standing member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee
Outside Director / Independent Director
Director and member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee
Outside Director / Independent Director
Director and member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee
Outside Director / Independent Director
Corporate management | Technologies | Business strategy | Recruitment and development |
Sales | Finance and accounting |
Governance | |
![]() SEKIGUCHI Sozo
President and CEO
● | ● | ● | ● | ● | ||
![]() HARIGAE Tomonori
Head of the Management
Division |
● | ● | ● | ● | |||
![]() OKUSAKA Kazuya
Head of the Engineer
Business Division |
● | ● | ● | ● | |||
![]() SATO So
Head of the Corporate
Planning and Strategy Division; Head of the Engineer Agency Business Division |
● | ● | ● | ● | |||
![]() EGAMI Yoji
Head of the Technology
Development Division |
● | ● | ● | ● | |||
![]() NOMURA Ryuichiro
Independent Director and
member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee |
● | ● | ● | ● | |||
![]() TERAMURA Yasuhiko
Independent Director and
standing member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee |
● | ● | ● | ||||
![]() MORII Shinichiro
Independent Director and
member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee |
● | ● |
Note: The table above does not represent all the experience and expertise possessed by each Director.
(Reasons for selecting the skills in the skills matrix)Skill | Reason for selection | Corporate management |
We believe that competence and experience in engaging in corporate management and important decision-making are critical for the purposes of formulating and executing business strategies and plans in order to achieve sustained growth and increase the medium- and long-term enterprise value, based on our management philosophy of being an Engineer Support Company. |
Technologies | We believe that possession of a high level of expertise in the Company’s technology fields, along with competence and experience in promoting the growth and self-actualization of engineers, is critical for the purposes of participating in cutting-edge projects at an early stage and shifting careers to growing industry fields. |
Business strategy | We believe that competence and experience in discerning medium- and long-term societal changes and guiding the Company’s strategy accordingly are critical for the purposes of swiftly grasping the changes in client needs, shifts in employee preferences, and change in the market environment and building a foundation for sustainable and next-generation growth. |
Recruitment and development |
We believe that competence and experience in maintaining and creating the Company’s unique “high value-added engineering group” even as the competition for talent intensifies are critical for the purpose of expanding our business by increasing the number of engineers, their utilization rate, and the unit price of engineers, all three of which are our important management indicators. |
Sales | We believe that in-depth knowledge and extensive experience in marketing, and sales are critical for the purposes of maintaining and building a strong client base through selecting and swiftly assigning engineers whose skills level is appropriate for the development needs and plans of our clients and enhancing client satisfaction, alongside conducting efficient and balanced sales activities. |
Finance and accounting |
We believe that possessing adequate knowledge of finance and accounting, as well as competence and experience in working on financial strategies to enhance enterprise value, is critical for the purposes of striving for transparent and trustworthy financial management, establishing a stable financial base, enhancing enterprise value continuously, and strengthening shareholder returns. |
Governance | We believe that adequate knowledge and experience needed to establish frameworks for risk management, compliance, and corporate governance are critical for the purpose of further strengthening our internal control and risk management efforts through the application of business management systems (including internal control systems) to enable flexible adaptation to changes in the business environment. |
Independent Director Notification [PDF 92.3KB/1 pages]
rtner has three outside directors, all of whom hold shares of the Company. Apart from this shareholding position, none of the three outside directors has any vested interests in he Company, including personal, capital, or business relationships.
Each outside director plays a role in ensuring that highly effective audits are conducted, from an objective and neutral view point, and we believe that the current system satisfactorily fulfills its management monitoring and advisory functions. The three outside directors are designated as
independent directors as defined by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and they are registered with the exchange.
Although the Company does not have any specific standards or policies regarding independence for the appointment of outside directors, when making such appointments we not only meet the regulatory requirements established by the Companies Act, but also take into account the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s criteria for ensuring the independence of independent directors.
Artner has three outside directors, and they are directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee.
The Head of the Internal Audit Office and the Audit and Supervisory Committee consult with each other and exchange information and views when preparing their annual audit plans and creating audit reports. This enables them to share information and conduct audits efficiently.
The Internal Audit Office and the Audit and Supervisory Committee exchange information and views with an external accounting auditor of record in order to have a common understanding of issues subject to audits and other relevant matters. They also seek professional advice and guidance from the Accounting Auditor as needed.