Changes in the Number of Shares Issued, etc.

Changes in the Number of Shares Issued, Capital, etc.

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Date Number of
shares issued (shares)
(unit: 1,000 yen)
Balance Increase
February 27, 2004 20,000 148,000 16,000 80,000 Paid-in third-party allocation
October 1, 2004 11,500 159,500 12,650 92,650 Paid-in third-party allocation
January 28, 2005 3,500 163,000 7,350 100,000 Paid-in third-party allocation
October 3, 2005 5,000 168,000 6,250 106,250 Paid-in third-party allocation
October 16, 2006 5,000 173,000 7,500 113,750 Paid-in third-party allocation
January 24, 2007 22,500 195,500 30,937 144,687 Paid-in third-party allocation
June 22, 2007 586,500 782,000 144,687 4-for-1 stock split
October 25, 2007 100,000 882,000 92,400 237,087 Paid-in general offering
February 1, 2011 1,764,000 2,646,000 237,087 3-for-1 stock split
May 11, 2012 10,980 2,656,980 1,196 238,284 Exercise of stock acquisition right
February 1, 2017 2,656,980 5,313,960 238,284 2-for-1 stock split
April 1, 2018 5,313,960 10,627,920 238,284 2-for-1 stock split

Changes in the Number of Treasury Shares

Fiscal year ended January 31

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Number of
treasury shares held
Treasury shares acquired Description
Number of
shares (shares)
Number of
shares (shares)
Total share
value (yen)
FY2008 (Reporting Period 46) 69 69 149,040
FY2009 (Reporting Period 47) 100 31 51,150
FY2010 (Reporting Period 48) 100
FY2011 (Reporting Period 49) 100
FY2012 (Reporting Period 50) 363 63 20,160 February 1, 2011
3-for-1 stock split
FY2013 (Reporting Period 51) 363
FY2014 (Reporting Period 52) 363
FY2015 (Reporting Period 53) 407 44 25,652
FY2016 (Reporting Period 54) 503 96 117,754
FY2017 (Reporting Period 55) 503
FY2018 (Reporting Period 56) 1,078 72 139,592 February 1, 2017
2-for-1 stock split
FY2019 (Reporting Period 57) 2,329 173 195,211 April 1, 2018
2-for-1 stock split
FY2020 (Reporting Period 58) 2,329
FY2021 (Reporting Period 59) 2,376 47 41,172
FY2022 (Reporting Period 60) 2,376
FY2023 (Reporting Period 61) 2,376
FY2024 (Reporting Period 62) 2,469 93 129,984