Earnings Highlights

FY2024 (Reporting Period 62) Summary

・ In the engineer dispatching business, due to an increasing number of engineers and the utilization rate remaining high, the number of operative personnel surpassed that of the preceding year. In addition, due to rising unit prices of newly graduated engineers at their first assignments, as well as negotiating the unit prices of current engineers with our clients, the unit price of engineers surpassed that of the preceding year. As a result of all this, net sales increased 9.4% year on year to ¥10,110 million.

・ In terms of profit, we provided allowance to our employees in commemoration of the Company’s 60th anniversary during the preceding year, yet the allowance was not recorded for this fiscal year. Hence, while net sales increased 9.4%, cost of sales rose only 6.5%. We also hired more staff members and made recruitment investments including running recruitment advertising. As our recruitment and sales activities recovered to normal, travel expenses increased, which led to larger SG&A expenses. As a result of all this, operating profit increased 27.5% year on year to ¥1,522 million, ordinary profit increased 27.4% year on year to ¥1,532 million, and profit increased 17.5% year on year to ¥1,051 million.

Over Past Five Years

Net Sales

Up 9.4% year-on-year
◾️Number of engineers increased
◾️Utilization rate remained high

◾️Number of operative personnel increased
◾️Unit price of engineers rose

Cost of Sales

Up 6.5% year-on-year
◾️60th anniversary allowance was provided to employees in FY2023 but is not appropriated in FY2024.

Gross Profit

Up 15.1% year-on-year
◾️Whereas net sales increased by 9.4%, the cost of sales increased by no more than 6.5%. As a result, gross profit increased by a higher percentage than net sales.

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

Up 7.3% year-on-year
◾️Increased number of staff, recruitment advertising and other recruitment investment.
◾️Travel/transportation fees, etc. increased due to the recovery of recruitment and sales activities.

Operating Profit

Up 27.5% year-on-year
◾️Whereas gross profit increased by 15.1%, SG&A expenses increased by no more than 7.3%. As a result, operating profit increased by a higher percentage than gross profit.

Ordinary Profit

Up 27.4% year-on-year
◾️Non-operating income and non-operating expenses were about the same as those in the previous year. As a result, ordinary profit increased by around the same percentage as operating profit.


Up 17.5% year-on-year
◾️Record-high profit.
◾️As profit before tax and expenses remained steady, profit increased by a higher percentage than net sales.


*Fiscal year ended January 31
Unit: ¥ million

Please scroll sideways.
(Reporting Period58)
(Reporting Period59)
(Reporting Period60)
(Reporting Period61)
(Reporting Period62)
Net sales 7,002 7,174 8,102 9,242 10,110
Cost of sales 4,461 4,442 5,302 6,168 6,571
Gross profit 2,540 2,731 2,800 3,073 3,539
Selling, general and administrative expenses 1,654 1,844 1,789 1,879 2,016
Operating profit 886 887 1,010 1,194 1,522
Ordinary profit 893 910 1,032 1,203 1,532
Profit 613 628 728 895 1,051
Related Links
Summary of Non-consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended July 31, 2024 (Under Japanese GAAP) [PDF 1.05KB/5 pages] Q2 FY2025 Financial Summary Supplementary Explanation Material [PDF 4.25KB/18 pages]

Major Indicators

Data on major indicators is provided below as an Excel file for use in spreadsheet software.
Quarterly Financial Fact Book for Q3 (FY2025) [Excel 21.7KB]
Financial Fact Book for full year (FY2024) [Excel 26.4KB]