Shareholder Composition

Data by Owner Category

Shareholder Distribution by Owner Category

As of July 31, 2024

Owner Number of shareholders Ratio (%)
Individuals and other 17,872 98.76
Foreign corporations, etc. 107 0.59
Other corporations 80 0.44
Financial instruments business operators 27 0.15
Financial institutions 9 0.05
Treasury shares 1 0.01
Total 18,096 100.00

* The data above includes shares of less than one unit.

Share Distribution by Owner Category

As of July 31, 2024

Owner Number of shares Ratio (%)
Individuals and other 6,262,225 58.92
Other corporations 2,761,842 25.99
Foreign corporations, etc. 857,982 8.07
Financial institutions 560,200 5.27
Financial instruments business operators 183,192 1.72
Treasury shares 2,479 0.02
Total 10,627,920 100.00

* The data above includes shares of less than one unit.

Shareholder Distribution by Number of Shares Held

As of July 31, 2024

Number of shares held Number of shareholders Ratio (%)
Under 100 7,006 38.72
100 and above 9,209 50.89
500 and above 895 4.95
1,000 and above 818 4.52
5,000 and above 76 0.42
10,000 and above 69 0.38
50,000 and above 13 0.07
100,000 and above 8 0.04
500,000 and above 2 0.01
Total 18,096 100.00

* The data above includes shares of less than one unit.

Trend in Shareholder Numbers