
Participation in Initiatives and External Evaluation

Main Goals 》 Value Creation Process 
Materiality(Material Issues) 
ESG Data 
GRI Content Index 》 Outline of Activities
Website accessibility policy 
Health and productivity management
Initiatives for Achieving SDGs 》 TCFD 
Improvement of service quality
Annual Report(Integrated Report)

Participation in Initiatives

Supporting the “United Nations Global Compact”

Artner signed the “United Nations Global Compact” (hereinafter UNGC) proposed by the United Nations and was registered as a business participant on January 16, 2024. In addition, Artner joined the “Global Compact Network Japan,” which comprises Japanese UNGC signatory companies and organizations, on the same date.

Support for the recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

In July 2022, Artner announced its support for the recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and has rated climate change as a high-priority issue. With an aim to achieve a more sustainable society, we are committed to taking necessary actions and initiatives based on the environmental activity policy.

External Evaluation

Artner received a “B-” score based on CDP’s Climate Change 2023 Questionnaire

Artner received a “B-” score, the fourth highest score among eight scores (A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, D, D-), based on data reported through CDP’s Climate Change 2023 Questionnaire.

CDP is an international environmental NGO established in 2000 in the United Kingdom. It runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, states, regions, and cities to manage their environmental impacts, and assesses companies’ actions toward making a positive environmental impact. Artner received a “B-” score, which indicates that the Company demonstrates environmental management. It exceeds the average “C” score received by companies in Asia and companies in the IT and software development sector.

Recognized as one of the 2024 Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations (large enterprise category)

Artner was recognized for the second consecutive year as one of the Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations (2024, large enterprise category) under the Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program, operated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.

The recognition program recognizes corporations, including large companies and small- and medium-sized enterprises, that practice particularly excellent health and productivity management, based on their efforts to address local health issues and cooperate with the health initiatives conducted by Nippon Kenko Kaigi.

Artner has been promoting health and productivity management based on its declaration, and its efforts have been recognized by external organizations.
