Segment Data

Trends in Net Sales by Segment

Net Sales by Business
Ratio (%)
Trends Over Past Five Years

◾️In the contracting business, aggressive sales activities have led to an increasing number of engineers assigned to contracted projects.

Net Sales by Industry Field
Ratio (%)
Trends Over Past Five Years

◾️Interest in development remains strong in various industry fields, such as transportation equipment and electrical equipment, which include our main clients, manufacturers in industries related to automobiles and semiconductor manufacturing equipment, respectively.

Net Sales by Technology Field
Ratio (%)
Trends Over Past Five Years

◾️The automobile industry is in the middle of technological innovation (e.g., CASE technologies). With the advances in software for these purposes, demand for software engineers has increased.

Net Sales by Region
Ratio (%)
Trends Over Past Five Years

◾️The net sales ratio has increased in the Kanto region where our main clients, automobile manufacturers, auto parts manufacturers, and semiconductor manufacturing equipment manufacturers, are concentrated.

*Fiscal year ended January 31
Unit: ¥ million

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(Reporting Period58)
(Reporting Period59)
(Reporting Period60)
(Reporting Period61)
(Reporting Period62)
Net sales by business 7,002 7,174 8,102 9,242 10,110
Engineer dispatching 6,753 6,715 7,490 8,413 9,116
Contracting 228 447 598 794 943
Other 20 11 13 34 50
Net sales by Industry Field 6,981 7,162 8,089 9,208 10,059
Steel, nonferrous materials and metals 352 373 459 439 402
Mechanical equipment 512 512 591 710 732
Electronic devices 2,096 1,981 2,217 2,669 2,838
Transportation equipment 2,482 2,652 2,969 3,233 3,745
Precision equipment 830 802 911 951 838
Information and communications 604 697 782 985 1,240
Miscellaneous 103 141 158 218 262
Net sales by technology field 6,981 7,162 8,089 9,208 10,059
Embedded / Model-Based 1,920 2,125 2,441 2,717 3,209
IT Solution 536 654 771 911 1,031
Electronics 1,931 1,842 2,107 2,584 2,654
Machinery 2,593 2,539 2,769 2,993 3,164
Net sales by region 6,981 7,162 8,089 9,208 10,059
Tohoku 266 234 352 542 602
Kanto 3,875 4,153 4,717 5,378 6,058
Hokuriku 35 24 19 37 41
Tokai 1,406 1,366 1,416 1,592 1,675
Kinki 1,254 1,207 1,322 1,412 1,433
Chugoku 96 108 128 145 148
Kyushu 46 67 133 99 100
* Net sales for the “Other” business reflect revenues from human resources education, training and guidance operations, personnel placement commissions, etc.
* Net sales by industry field, technology field and region do not include sales at the “Other” business.
Related Links
Summary of Non-consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended January 31, 2024 (Under Japanese GAAP) [PDF 584KB/9 pages]

Trends in Engineers

Ratio (%)
Trends Over Past Five Years

*Fiscal year ended January 31

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(Reporting Period58)
(Reporting Period59)
(Reporting Period60)
(Reporting Period61)
(Reporting Period62)
Embedded / Model-Based 258 280 318 340 373
IT Solution 102 121 140 149 150
Electronics 238 245 274 318 313
Machinery 303 325 341 350 356
Total 901 971 1,073 1,157 1,192
Related Links
Summary of Non-consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended January 31, 2024 (Under Japanese GAAP) [PDF 584KB/9 pages]

Major Indicators

Data on major indicators is provided below as an Excel file for use in spreadsheet software.
Quarterly Financial Fact Book for Q3 (FY2025) [Excel 21.7KB]
Financial Fact Book for full year (FY2024) [Excel 26.4KB]