We promote occupational health and safety and health and productivity management to create a safe and secure work environment for all the employees.
By considering the occupational health and safety of our employees, Artner strives to enhance enterprise value and create an organization where all the employees can work safely and with peace of mind.
In addition, because we believe that the ability of our employees to work in good health and with peace of mind will result in the well-being of all the employees and reflection within the company, we promote employee health management and health promotion initiatives.
We strive to prevent accidents and reduce the risk of accidents occurring by providing health and safety education for employees when they join the company and when they are assigned to clients.
Based on Artner’s management philosophy of being an Engineer Support Company, we at Artner believe that ensuring the health and peace of mind of employees at work will eventually result in achieving the happiness of all the employees and reflection within the company.
Under our mission to promote human resource development and the happiness of all the employees, we declare that we will work to create a workplace environment where each and every employee can work vigorously and in good mental and physical health.
The Director/Head of the Management Division will serve as the overall supervisor and the Management Division’s General Affairs and Human Resources Group will function as the Health and Productivity Management Promotion Office to plan, operate, and promote different initiatives.
In promoting the initiatives, these stakeholders will collaborate with the Health and Safety Committee, industrial physicians, and health insurance societies, and report on the progress at the Sustainability Committee meeting.
In conducting health and productivity management effectively and efficiently, Artner identifies business issues that it wants to solve and health issues that lead to the resolution of those business issues. It then creates a health and productivity management strategy map to incorporate these issues for elimination into initiatives related to maintaining and promoting health.
Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map[PDF 77.4 KB/1ページ]*1 Measurement method: Wfun (a survey developed by University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan to measure the extent of work-related functional impairment caused by health issues)
*2 Assuming the average years of service in FY2020 is 1
*3 Measurement method: New Brief Job Stress Questionnaire (work engagement is a state where employees feel vigor, dedication, and absorption toward their work). Evaluated on a scale of 0 to 4. The national average is 2.5.
Artner was recognized for the second consecutive year as one of the Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations (2024, large enterprise category) under the Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program, operated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
The recognition program recognizes corporations, including large companies and small- and medium-sized enterprises, that practice particularly excellent health and productivity management, based on their efforts to address local health issues and cooperate with the health initiatives conducted by Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
Artner has been promoting health and productivity management based on its declaration, and its efforts have been recognized by external organizations.
(FY2024)50.0% (FY2023)30.8% (FY2022)12.5% (FY2021)0.0% (FY2020)0.0%
(FY2024)66.7% (FY2023)100.0% (FY2022)100.0% (FY2021)100.0% (FY2020)100.0%