The Company recognizes that it is our critical social mission to protect all personal information handled by the Company in the course of performing the worker dispatching services and the fee-based employment placement services. Therefore, the Company declares that it will establish a personal information protection management system in accordance with the Japanese Industrial Standards’ “Personal information protection management systems – Requirements” (JIS Q15001) and properly handle the Personal Information retained by the Company. The Company properly conducts its business activities according to the following specific policy.
For the purpose of the Company, “Personal Information” means information regarding individuals that could allow specific individuals to be identified or identifiable.
1. |
1. |
With respect to the Personal Information to be handled in the course of performing all businesses and the Personal Information of the employees and other staff, the Company will comply with laws, regulations, policies, and other rules established by the government for protection of personal information. |
2. |
The Company will specify and publish the purpose of use of any Personal Information before handling it. | |
3. |
The Company will restrict handling of any Personal Information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use, and take the appropriate management measures to prevent unintended use. | |
4. |
The Company will appropriately acquire all Personal Information and restrict access to the Personal Information by false or other fraudulent means. | |
5. |
The Company will secure the accuracy of all Personal Information. | |
6. |
The Company will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent any Personal Information from being leaked, lost, or damaged, and make efforts to prevent and remedy the leakage, loss, or damage of any Personal Information. | |
7. |
The Company will restrict provision of Personal Information to a third party without the consent of any person to whom the Personal Information relates. | |
8. |
The Company will be obligated to disclose, correct, or suspend use of the Personal Information when requested to do so by a person to whom the Personal Information relates. | |
9. |
When the Company receives complaints or inquiries about handling of Personal Information, it will promptly conduct a factual investigation into the cause of the problem and respond in good faith to those complaints or inquiries within a reasonable period. | |
10. |
The Company will review the personal information protection management system on a continuous basis in light of changes in social situations and environments, and make further efforts to protect the Personal Information. |
Established on April 1, 2005
Revised on August 29, 2014
Artner Co., Ltd.
SEKIGUCHI Sozo, President and CEO