Artner’s purpose is to “support the growth and self-actualization of engineers, who are Japan’s world-class assets,” which is why talent development is the foundation of our company. We provide a wide range of training and support programs to help employees improve their skills and develop their careers.
Artner will strive to improve the skills of our engineers by providing general, external, basic, customized, and/or career training based on our long-accumulated experience, such as the “human skill enhancement seminar” and “technological capability booster lectures” that help develop leadership skills. In addition, we will strive to improve the technical and human skills of our staff by holding skill development seminars for all employees and human development training for managers.
Specifically, we facilitate the improvement of all engineers’ skill levels through educational programs and training curricula segmented by business field, with the aim of promoting the assignment of engineers to upstream business areas where the unit price of engineers is likely to be higher. This has resulted in more engineers being assigned to upstream business areas, leading to an increase in the unit price of engineers and to the operating margin exceeding the target. In addition, due to the revamping of our business model (establishment of four business divisions), engineers have been more attracted to the Company, and the turnover rate has been lower compared to before the revamping.
For the development of next-generation leaders, we regularly conduct manager training.
We established the Nomination Committee as an advisory board to the Board of Directors, whose chair and a majority of the members are independent outside directors. The committee deliberates on the nomination of the President and CEO, directors (not members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee), directors (members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee), and executive officers (hereinafter collectively referred to as “officers, etc.” in this paragraph). By doing so, we seek to leverage the knowledge and advice of outside directors, ensure the objectivity and transparency of the nomination process for officers, etc., enhance the supervisory function of the Board of Directors, and further strengthen our corporate governance.
The Nomination Committee meets at least four times a year to deliberate and evaluate the continuation or replacement of candidates and reports the results to the Board of Directors.
Education and training policy
The concept of Artner’s education and training programs is to provide all employees not only with knowledge and skills but also with confidence and practical capabilities.
T-shaped specialist education system
We are building a “T-shaped specialist education system,” a system for improving the skills of each and every engineer, in which the horizontal axis represents specialized knowledge and work skills, and the vertical axis represents general education and communication capabilities. Through this system, we will strive to enable new employees and workers with little or no experience to participate in cutting-edge projects at an early stage and shift their careers to growing industry fields. In addition, we will strive to improve the technical and human skills of our staff by holding skill development seminars for all employees and human development training for managers.
New employee training
The concept of Artner’s new employee training is to develop knowledge and skills as well as practical capabilities.
We provide a wide range of training and support programs to help employees improve their skills and develop their careers.
To improve our employees’ skills as engineers, we are enhancing our education and training programs, including skill development seminars, career support courses, and manager training.
See details
Based on the concept of “acquiring practical skills,” we provide each engineer with new employee training that enables them to acquire a wide range of technical skills, from the basics to practical applications, to support their career development.
See details
We help our engineers improve their skills through our qualification acquisition assistance program, under which we pay employees who possess qualifications we recommend an allowance in accordance with our rules, and cover all examination fees for relevant qualifications.
At Artner, we have established grades (ranks) that represent the job level of each engineer and administrative position, and conduct a fair and impartial annual evaluation based on work performance and other factors for each grade, which is reflected in pay raises and promotions.