

Head of the Engineer Business Division

Born September 3, 1955

Career summary, positions and areas of responsibility held in the Company
April 1978 Joined Osaka Technology Center Co., Ltd. (previous name of the Company)
October 1993 Appointed Head of the No.3 Business Dept.
February 2002 Appointed Standing Auditor
April 2004 Appointed Managing Director; Head of the Human Resources Dept.
February 2007 Appointed Managing Director; Head of the Human Resources Division
April 2007 Appointed Managing Director; Head of the Business Management Division
March 2009 Appointed Managing Director; Head of the Technology Development Division
February 2010 Appointed Managing Director; Head of the Business Promotion Division
February 2011 Appointed Managing Director; Head of the Engineer Business Division
April 2011 Appointed Director; Head of the Engineer Business Division
February 2013 Appointed Director; Head of the Human Resources Business Division
February 2016 Appointed Director; Head of the Engineer Business Division (current)
Material concurrent positions currently held
Reasons for Appointment
After joining the Company as an engineer, he served as a standing auditor and has played a leading role in talent development and business development for many years as a member of the management team. He has been appointed as Director, as he is well versed in the Company’s day-to-day operations and has a wealth of management experience, and as he is expected to contribute to the further growth of the Company.