President and CEO


Born December 31, 1964

Career summary, positions and areas of responsibility held in the Company
June 1983 Joined MEITEC CORPORATION(now MEITEC Group Holdings Inc.)
April 1988 Joined Osaka Technology Center Co., Ltd. (previous name of the Company)
March 1993 Appointed Director; Head of the Business Planning Office
February 1998 Appointed Director; Vice President
February 2002 Appointed President and CEO (current)
February 2012 Appointed Head of the Hyper Artner Business Division
Material concurrent positions currently held
Reasons for Appointment
He has served as President and CEO of the Company since 2002. He has demonstrated strong leadership in corporate and business management by drawing on a wealth of experience he has gained through his previously-held positions as Head of the Business Planning Dept., Head of the Business Division, and Executive Vice President. He has been appointed as Director, as he has a wealth of experience and deep insight regarding the Company’s business, and as he is expected to contribute to the further growth of the Company.