Financial summary for Q2 of FY2024 (Reporting Period 62)
Market environment
●The global economy is slowly recovering in tandem with growth in demand post-COVID-19.
●Interest in development among our main clients, manufacturers in industries related to automobiles and semiconductor manufacturing equipment, remains strong. ➡ There is a strong demand for the Company’s engineers.
State of engineer dispatching business
●The number of operative personnel surpassed that of the same period of the preceding year.
Number of engineers increased.
Utilization rate remained high due to the upward trend in the demand for engineers.
Assignments for newly graduated engineers entering the Company in 2023 are progressing ahead of the initial schedule.
●The unit price of engineers surpassed that of the same period of the preceding year.
Due to the trend of engineer shortage, the unit price for newly graduated engineers at their first assignments is on the rise.
We are negotiating unit prices with our clients, taking into account the work performance of our current engineers.
●Total work person-hours remained at the same level as the same period of the preceding year.
●We are increasing our number of staff and engaging in recruitment advertising and other forms of recruitment investment.
●Expenses for recruiting, travel, transportation, and others grew with a recovery in our recruiting and sales activities.