Anti-corruption Policy

1. Basic view on preventing corruption

We establish this anti-corruption policy in accordance with the spirit of the United Nations Global Compact.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all officers and employees of Artner. Furthermore, we request all clients affiliated with our businesses and services to understand and support this policy.

3. Initiatives to prevent corruption in our business activities

・Prohibition of bribery
・Prohibition of facilitation payments
・Prohibition of illegal political contributions
・Prohibition of money laundering
・Prohibition of insider trading
・Prohibition of conflict-of-interest transactions

4. Governance

Our initiatives under this policy will be regularly reported to and managed by the Compliance and Risk Management Meeting and the Sustainability Committee. The Board of Directors will be informed of its details and provide supervision.

5. Whistleblowing system

We will establish a helpline to receive any reports on compliance violations related to anti-corruption and any inquiries, and take steps for relief and remediation upon investigation. We will ensure the confidentiality and the protection of personal information of whistleblowers, and will not treat them disadvantageously based on their reports.

6. Education and training

We will continuously provide appropriate education and training to all officers and employees to ensure that this policy is integrated into all business activities and is implemented effectively.

Established: February 1, 2024
Artner Co., Ltd.
President and CEO SEKIGUCHI Sozo