General Principle 2
The Company considers it imperative to work closely with its shareholders, employees, corporate clients, communities, and other stakeholders in order to achieve sustained growth and increase its medium- and long-term enterprise value. The Company strives to become a group of ambitious and highly motivated engineers and grow with its corporate clients in diverse industries as their trusted technical partner.
Principle 2.1 Business Principles as the Foundation of Corporate Value Creation Over the Mid- to Long-Term
The Company’s corporate philosophy is to support engineers in pursuit of their professional aspirations. By fulfilling this purpose in business operations, the Company believes that it will contribute to the common good of society and achieve the objective of increasing its medium- and long-term enterprise value.
Principle 2.2 Code of Conduct
The Company has formulated the Code of Conduct for its every Director and employee to observe in their day-to-day work. The Company holds training sessions to educate them to embrace the importance of compliance.
Supplementary Principle 2.2.1
The Company uses regular training sessions, newsletters posted to the company intranet, and bulletins posted in offices to continually remind its Directors and employees of the importance of putting the Code into practice in their day-to-day work.
Principle 2.3 Sustainability Issues, Including Social and Environmental Matters
Considering stakeholder interests and social issues, as well as their impact on our business management, the Company has identified eight materiality topics that should be prioritized. Based on our understanding of the materiality topics we have identified, we are committed to engaging in effective management practices and business activities to resolve these issues.
The details of our sustainability initiatives and materiality (material issues) are disclosed on the Company’s website
Supplementary Principle 2.3.1
Recognizing that addressing issues surrounding sustainability is an important part of our risk management, and in light of its impact on the Company’s business, Artner’s Board of Directors has identified eight materiality topics that should be prioritized. The Sustainability Committee, which is responsible for establishing sustainability policies, targets, and action plans, managing and evaluating progress toward these targets, and deliberating on individual measures, reports to the Board of Directors, thereby promoting efforts to address sustainability issues.
Principle 2.4 Ensuring Diversity, Including Active Participation of Women
The Company recognizes that, in order to achieve sustained growth and increase its medium- and long-term enterprise value, a workplace environment needs to be created in which female employees can fulfill their potential without feeling pressured or stressed. Accordingly, the Company has been promoting female employees to managerial positions in increasing numbers and offering them broader career options. In addition, in accordance with the Act on Employment Promotion of Persons with Disabilities, the Company has been hiring an increasing number of people with disabilities and creating an accommodating workplace for them.
Supplementary Principle 2.4.1
The Company pursues the philosophy of being an Engineer Support Company that develops talent. As part of its effort to promote diversity and inclusion in talent management under the Medium-Term Business Plan, the Company has been offering greater career opportunities to its workers of foreign nationality, retirement age, and women. The Company has also been hiring to middle-management positions mid-career workers found to have skills and competence that are required for such positions and are comparable to those of career workers qualified for the similar positions.
The Company provides workers with diverse talent development programs with medium- and long-term implications, including training for women workers, diversity training, and leadership training, formulated under the Talent Training and Development Guidelines.
The Company has identified the promotion of diversity and inclusion as one of its materiality (material issues) priorities. The details of our initiatives are disclosed on the Company’s website (
Principle 2.5 Whistleblowing
To ensure the effectiveness of an internal whistleblowing system, the Company has implemented the “Internal Whistleblowing Rules,” which stipulate how employees can report cases of misconduct and noncompliance they witness in the Company and how the Whistleblowing Committee is convened to investigate reported cases and consider actions to be taken. The Company also reports regularly to the Board of Directors on how the internal whistleblowing system is working.
Supplementary Principle 2.5.1
The Company has established a point of contact for whistleblowers that is independent of management. In addition, it has established “Internal Whistleblowing Rules,” which ensure that reports are kept confidential and the imposition of any disadvantageous treatment on the information provider producing the report is prohibited.
Principle 2.6 Roles of Corporate Pension Funds as Asset Owners
The Company provides a defined contribution pension plan, under which each eligible employee is responsible for managing their own assets. As part of assisting employees with their asset-building efforts, the Company provides new employees with a seminar on the pension plan and encourages them to apply for an employee matching contribution plan.