Financial Summary for Q1 of FY2025 (Reporting Period 63)
Market Environment
●The global economy is slowly recovering. Manufacturers, which are our main clients, are continuing to increase their R&D budgets.
●Interest in development remains strong in various industry fields. Our clients’ demand for engineers exceeds the number we can supply.
➡ Considering the balance of our clients’ industry fields, engineers were rotated strategically with the aim of increasing the unit price of engineers and improving the level of their work. As a result, the ratio of manufacturers in industries related to automobiles increased.
State of Engineer Dispatching Business
●The number of operative personnel surpassed that of the same period of the preceding year.
Number of engineers increased.
Utilization rate remained high due to the upward trend in the demand for engineers.
●The unit price of engineers surpassed that of the same period of the preceding year.
The unit price of engineers has risen continuously since the preceding year due to the trend of engineer shortage and the strategic rotation of engineers.
●The unit price of engineers has risen continuously since the preceding year due to the trend of engineer shortage and the strategic rotation of engineers.
●Both the profit amount and profit margin were higher than our targets and remained steady.
●Due to the rising unit price of engineers, gross profit went up 8.2% and the operating margin was 18.0%.
●Due to increases in SG&A expenses, operating profit fell 0.6%.
Expenses were incurred from expanding the learning centers in East Japan (training facilities).
Recruitment-related investment expenses increased.