Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

We are committed to restoring operations as quickly as possible without interrupting our business in the event of a natural disaster such as a major earthquake.

Basic policy

1. Place the highest priority on the safety and security of employees and their families.

2. Maintain business continuity and restore operations as quickly as possible, and, as our clients’ technical partner, strive to minimize the impact on them.

3. Provide support for the recovery and reconstruction of local communities.

4. Disclose information to stakeholders on the status of our damage and recovery, as appropriate.


This applies to earthquakes, floods, fires, mass infections, and system failures.


The Disaster Response Division is established at our Osaka headquarters with Artner’s President and CEO serving as the Head of the Disaster Response Division, and the Head of the Management Division serving as the Deputy Head of Disaster Response Division. The Management Division plays a central role in ensuring the safety of our business locations and employees while cooperating with each location and department to promote our business continuity and recovery activities.

Status of our activities, including training and drills on disaster prevention and business continuity

1. We have introduced a safety confirmation system in preparation for the potential occurrence of a large-scale earthquake or other disasters. We conduct annual training on the safety confirmation system to check the actions to be taken in case of an emergency as well as ensure the smooth operation of the system.

2. Disaster supplies are stocked at our business locations to ensure the safety of employees in case it is difficult for them to return to their homes.

3. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have established a remote work system for management departments to minimize the need for employees to come to work at our offices, building a work environment that assures business continuity.

4. Our Business Continuity Plan is updated as necessary.