Investor Relations Updated the Utilization Rates and Month-end Engineer Count. Investor Relations Updated the IR Prize. Investor Relations Updated the Utilization Rates and Month-end Engineer Count. Investor Relations Updated the IR Calendar. Investor Relations Updated the Quarterly Highlights. Investor Relations Updated the IR Calendar. Investor Relations Summary of Non-consolidated Financial Results for the Nine Months Ended October 31, 2024 (Under Japanese GAAP) [PDF 285KB/5 pages] Investor Relations Q3 FY2025 Financial Summary Supplementary Explanation Material [PDF 1.02MB/18 pages] Investor Relations Quarterly Financial Fact Book for Q3 (FY2025) [Excel 21.7KB] Investor Relations Updated the Utilization Rates and Month-end Engineer Count. Investor Relations Updated the IR Calendar. Investor Relations Updated the IR Calendar. 1 2 3 4 5 >