
*Fiscal year ended January 31
Unit: ¥ million

FY2020 (Reporting Period58) FY2021 (Reporting Period59) FY2022 (Reporting Period60) FY2023 (Reporting Period61) FY2024 (Reporting Period62)
Cash flows from operating activities 591 899 770 872 1,126
Cash flows from investing activities △42 △30 33 △24 △5
Cash flows from financing activities △215 △232 △270 △426 △818
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 332 636 534 421 301
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 2,050 2,383 3,019 3,554 3,975
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 2,383 3,019 3,554 3,975 4,277
Major Indicators
Data on major indicators is provided below as an Excel file for use in spreadsheet software. 》 Financial Fact Book for full year (FY2024) [Excel 26.4KB]
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