Quarterly Highlights

Up 9.3% year-on-year
◾️Number of engineers increased ◾️Utilization rate remained high →
◾️The number of operative personnel increased ■Unit price of engineers rose

Up 16.0% year-on-year
◾️While there were expenses, such as those related to the expansion of a training facility and recruitment-related investments, these costs were absorbed by net sales growth, which led to profit growth.

Up 16.0% year-on-year
◾️Non-operating income and non-operating expenses were about the same as those in the same period of the previous year. As a result, ordinary profit increased by around the same percentage as operating profit.

Up 15.9% year-on-year
◾️Total income taxes were about the same as those in the same period of the previous year. As a result, profit increased by around the same percentage as ordinary profit.

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Q1 (Feb. – Apr.) Q2 (May – Jul.) Q3 (Aug. – Oct.) Q4 (Nov. – Jan.)
Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%)
Net sales 2,646 2,646 6.1 2,801 100.0 11.5 2,807 100.0 10.2
Cost of sales 1,601 60.5 4.8 1,716 61.3 8.2 1,857 66.2 5.8
Gross profit 1,044 39.5 8.2 1,084 38.7 17.2 950 33.8 20.0
Selling, general and administrative expenses 568 21.5 16.8 599 21.4 14.9 557 19.9 10.0
Operating profit 475 18.0 (0.6) 485 17.3 20.1 392 14.0 38.0
Ordinary profit 476 18.0 (0.6) 485 17.3 20.4 402 14.3 37.2
Profit 330 12.5 (0.7) 341 12.2 19.9 279 10.0 37.9
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Q1 (Feb. – Apr.) Q2 (May – Jul.) Q3 (Aug. – Oct.) Q4 (Nov. – Jan.)
Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%)
Net sales 2,493 100.0 11.7 2,512 100.0 9.7 2,547 100.0 7.5 2,556 100.0 8.8
Cost of sales 1,528 61.3 10.2 1,587 63.2 5.6 1,755 68.9 5.4 1,699 66.5 5.5
Gross profit 965 38.7 14.2 925 36.8 17.6 791 31.1 12.7 856 33.5 15.9
Selling, general and administrative expenses 487 19.5 4.3 521 20.8 10.0 507 19.9 10.2 500 19.6 4.6
Operating profit 477 19.2 26.4 404 16.1 29.2 284 11.2 17.4 356 13.9 36.6
Ordinary profit 479 19.2 26.4 403 16.1 29.1 293 11.5 17.2 356 13.9 36.6
Profit 333 13.4 26.5 284 11.3 31.5 202 8.0 16.9 231 9.0 (4.4)
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Q1 (Feb. – Apr.) Q2 (May – Jul.) Q3 (Aug. – Oct.) Q4 (Nov. – Jan.)
Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%)
Net sales 2,232 100.0 11.4 2,290 100.0 15.9 2,368 100.0 17.5 2,350 100.0 11.6
Cost of sales 1,387 62.1 15.9 1,503 65.6 17.3 1,666 70.3 24.0 1,611 68.6 8.8
Gross profit 845 37.9 4.8 787 34.4 13.1 702 29.7 4.5 739 31.4 18.1
Selling, general and administrative expenses 467 20.9 (2.8) 474 20.7 4.2 460 19.4 10.9 478 20.3 8.8
Operating profit 378 16.9 16.0 312 13.7 30.0 242 10.2 (5.9) 260 11.1 40.1
Ordinary profit 379 17.0 15.0 312 13.7 24.6 250 10.6 (4.1) 261 11.1 36.7
Profit 263 11.8 15.1 216 9.4 13.1 173 7.3 (4.1) 241 10.3 89.3
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Q1 (Feb. – Apr.) Q2 (May – Jul.) Q3 (Aug. – Oct.) Q4 (Nov. – Jan.)
Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%)
Net sales 2,003 100.0 6.9 1,976 100.0 11.1 2,016 100.0 15.8 2,106 100.0 18.4
Cost of sales 1,197 59.8 4.4 1,281 64.8 16.6 1,343 66.7 26.7 1,480 70.3 30.3
Gross profit 806 40.2 10.8 695 35.2 2.3 672 33.3 (1.2) 625 29.7 (2.7)
Selling, general and administrative expenses 480 24.0 4.8 455 23.0 (4.0) 414 20.6 (14.6) 439 20.9 3.0
Operating profit 326 16.3 21.1 240 12.2 16.6 257 12.8 32.3 186 8.8 (14.1)
Ordinary profit 329 16.4 21.8 250 12.7 19.5 260 12.9 24.5 190 9.1 (13.3)
Profit 228 11.4 22.1 191 9.7 31.7 181 9.0 24.6 127 6.1 (15.3)
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Q1 (Feb. – Apr.) Q2 (May – Jul.) Q3 (Aug. – Oct.) Q4 (Nov. – Jan.)
Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%)
Net sales 1,874 100.0 15.8 1,779 100.0 0.9 1,740 100.0 (82.8) 1,779 100.0 (2.7)
Cost of sales 1,147 61.2 14.1 1,099 61.8 1.9 1,060 60.9 (7.7) 1,136 63.8 (7.6)
Gross profit 727 38.8 18.7 680 38.2 (0.7) 680 39.1 5.9 643 36.2 7.3
Selling, general and administrative expenses 458 24.5 5.6 474 26.6 8.6 485 27.9 30.9 426 24.0 3.4
Operating profit 269 14.4 50.5 206 11.6 (17.0) 194 11.2 (28.3) 216 12.2 15.8
Ordinary profit 270 14.4 49.9 209 11.8 (16.7) 209 12.0 (23.4) 220 12.4 17.4
Profit 187 10.0 50.3 145 8.2 (16.5) 145 8.3 (23.3) 150 8.5 20.2
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Q1 (Feb. – Apr.) Q2 (May – Jul.) Q3 (Aug. – Oct.) Q4 (Nov. – Jan.)
Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%)
Net sales 1,618 100.0 7.9 1,764 100.0 11.3 1,790 100.0 9.3 1,828 100.0 13.7
Cost of sales 1,005 62.1 8.8 1,078 61.2 9.8 1,148 64.1 6.6 1,229 67.2 17.1
Gross profit 613 37.9 6.6 685 38.8 13.7 642 35.9 14.3 599 32.8 7.3
Selling, general and administrative expenses 434 26.8 17.4 436 24.7 5.6 371 20.7 5.5 412 22.6 9.1
Operating profit 178 11.1 (12.9) 248 14.1 31.4 271 15.1 29.0 187 10.2 3.7
Ordinary profit 180 11.2 (12.8) 251 14.3 29.6 273 15.3 29.2 187 10.2 3.7
Profit 124 7.7 (12.5) 173 9.9 30.4 189 10.6 30.3 125 6.9 4.8
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Q1 (Feb. – Apr.) Q2 (May – Jul.) Q3 (Aug. – Oct.) Q4 (Nov. – Jan.)
Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%)
Net sales 1,499 100.0 8.4 1,584 100.0 9.6 1,638 100.0 11.8 1,608 100.0 9.5
Cost of sales 924 61.6 10.2 982 62.0 6.8 1,076 65.7 7.6 1,049 65.3 8.6
Gross profit 575 38.4 5.7 602 38.0 14.3 562 34.3 20.9 558 34.7 11.0
Selling, general and administrative expenses 369 24.6 6.0 413 26.1 15.8 351 21.5 5.8 378 23.5 18.2
Operating profit 205 13.7 5.2 189 11.9 11.3 210 12.8 58.5 180 11.2c (1.5)
Ordinary profit 206 13.8 5.4 194 12.3 11.2 211 12.9 56.8 180 11.3 (1.7)
Profit 142 9.5 4.1 133 8.4 11.4 145 8.9 56.5 119 7.4 (9.0)
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Q1 (Feb. – Apr.) Q2 (May – Jul.) Q3 (Aug. – Oct.) Q4 (Nov. – Jan.)
Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%)
Net sales 1,382 100.0 8.3 1,446 100.0 12.5 1,466 100.0 13.9 1,469 100.0 12.8
Cost of sales 838 60.7 5.1 919 63.6 9.5 1,001 68.3 17.3 966 65.7 12.4
Gross profit 544 39.3 13.7 527 36.4 18.1 465 31.7 7.3 503 34.3 13.3
Selling, general and administrative expenses 348 25.2 15.8 356 24.7 9.9 332 22.7 6.5 320 21.8 2.8
Operating profit 195 14.1 10.1 170 11.8 39.9 132 9.0 9.2 183 12.5 38.0
Ordinary profit 196 14.2 9.4 174 12.1 39.1 135 9.2 7.9 184 12.5 37.6
Profit 136 9.9 17.2 119 8.3 44.9 92 6.3 12.4 131 9.0 61.5
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Q1 (Feb. – Apr.) Q2 (May – Jul.) Q3 (Aug. – Oct.) Q4 (Nov. – Jan.)
Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%) Result (¥ million) % of Net sales YOY (%)
Net sales 1,276 100.0 1,286 100.0 1,287 100.0 1,303 100.0
Cost of sales 798 62.5 839 65.3 853 66.3 859 65.9
Gross profit 478 37.5 446 34.7 433 33.7 444 34.1
Selling, general and administrative expenses 301 23.6 324 25.3 312 24.2 311 23.2
Operating profit 177 13.9 121 9.4 121 9.4 132 10.8
Ordinary profit 179 14.1 125 9.8 125 9.7 133 10.9
Profit 116 9.1 82 6.4 82 6.4 81 6.9

Major Indicators

Data on major indicators is provided below as an Excel file for use in spreadsheet software.
Quarterly Financial Fact Book for Q3 (FY2025) [Excel 21.7KB]
Financial Fact Book for full year (FY2024) [Excel 26.4KB]