Human Capital / Health and Productivity Management / Occupational Health and Safety

Human Capital

Basic Policy
Artner’s Management Philosophy is “Engineer Support Company: We support our engineers’ dreams,” and our Purpose is to “support the growth and self-actualization of engineers, who are Japan’s world-class assets.” As they embody, we have promoted our business as a corporation that exists for the sake of engineers’ growth while always asking ourselves what we can do for them. We believe that creating value for the engineers themselves will, in turn, create value for Artner. We also believe that talent is our greatest business asset, and that talent development and organizational development are key areas essential to the Company’s growth.

Artner has established a Sustainability Committee to maximize the value of our human capital. The Committee is composed mainly of Directors who are not members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee (including the President and CEO), Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee members, as well as division heads and managers. The Committee is held four times a year. At each meeting, the members hold discussions to promote and manage the progress of issues and initiatives related to human capital. The Director/Head of the Management Division serves as the overall supervisor and the Management Division’s General Affairs and Human Resources Group functions as the Health and Productivity Management Promotion Office to plan, operate, and promote different health-related initiatives. The Board of Directors oversees sustainability matters, including occupational health and safety, and deliberates on key issues such as respect for human rights, the promotion of diversity and inclusion, and talent development and retention.

We believe that supporting the growth and self-actualization of engineers, who are Japan’s world-class assets, and creating value for the engineers themselves will, in turn, create value for Artner. We consider our engineers to be not only assets of Artner, but also shared assets of Japan, and we nurture engineers as a platform to support their growth and self-actualization based on our policy on talent development.
Amid a rapidly changing work environment and mindset, driven by talent mobility and diversity, we will strive to promote the happiness of working engineers and create a new model for “life as an engineer.”
We are also committed to providing a satisfying work environment and supporting the growth and self-actualization of each and every one of our staff members, as stated in our basic sustainability policy: “aiming for the happiness of all employees.”

Risk Management
At Artner, the Compliance and Risk Management Meeting identifies human capital risks and Opportunities and monitors their progress. Risks that may have a significant impact on investors’ decisions include the following.

Risk Opportunity
Effectiveness of education and training There is a risk that the training does not turn out to be as effective as expected and the unit price of engineers does not increase due to low client satisfaction, as well as the risk that we fail to satisfy the requests from clients, and they start to make complaints. If engineers’ skills improvement raises client satisfaction and client ratings, the unit price of engineers may increase and our competitiveness in the industry may elevate, creating opportunities for corporate growth.
Securing science and engineering graduates We consider science and engineering graduates to be an important managerial resource. There is a risk that the population of science and engineering graduates may decrease due to the declining birth rate and other factors, making it significantly more difficult to hire talented graduates. We hope to resonate with students by highlighting our recruitment method (we hire talent who meet the requirements of their intended destination, provide them with education and training as engineers, and only then assign them to projects), as well as the fact that Artner is a job-based employment company that emphasizes their skills and they will be able to quickly advance their careers while gaining experience in a variety of projects. By acquiring and training outstanding talent, we can expect to maintain and strengthen a stable earnings base.
Securing career engineers We consider engineers with work experience to be an important managerial resource. There is a risk that the competition to secure career hires may intensify due to a shortage of engineers who wish to change jobs as a result of booming design and development activities in the manufacturing industry, making it significantly more difficult to hire talented career engineers. We hope to resonate with job seekers by highlighting our recruitment method (we hire talent who meet the requirements of their intended destination, provide them with education and training as engineers, and only then assign them to projects), as well as the fact that Artner is a job-based employment company that emphasizes their skills and they will be able to quickly advance their careers while gaining experience in a variety of projects. By acquiring and training outstanding talent, we can expect to maintain and strengthen a stable earnings base.

Indicators and Targets
The Company has established indicators and targets to evaluate the effectiveness of human capital initiatives in line with our Medium-Term Business Plan. The targets we set are reviewed according to changes in the external environment and our progress made on human capital measures.
*For human capital KPIs, targets, and results, see “Non-Financial Data (KPIs, Targets, and Results)” on pages 61 and 62.

Health and Productivity Management / Occupational Health and Safety

Declaration for Health and Productivity Management
Based on Artner’s management philosophy of being an Engineer Support Company, we at Artner believe that ensuring the health and peace of mind of employees at work will eventually result in achieving the happiness of all the employees and reflection within the company.
Under our mission to promote human resource development and the happiness of all the employees, we declare that we will work to create a workplace environment where each and every employee can work vigorously and in good mental and physical health.

The Director/Head of the Management Division will serve as the overall supervisor and the Management Division’s General Affairs and Human Resources Group will function as the Health and Productivity Management Promotion Office to plan, operate, and promote different initiatives.
In promoting the initiatives, these stakeholders will collaborate with the Health and Safety Committee, industrial physicians, and health insurance societies, and report on the progress at the Sustainability Committee meeting.

Health Management Results

KPI Target FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Periodic health checkup, consultation rate 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Stress check, consultation rate 100.0% 82.8% 78.9% 82.6%
Annual paid leave, acquisition rate (overall) 80.0%or more 76.5% 85.0% 84.9%
Annual paid leave, acquisition rate (engineers) 80.0%or more 76.5% 85.2% 85.7%
Improving health literacy (through training), attendance rate 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
BMI below 25, ratio 75.0% 69.9% 71.1%
Improving productivity (eliminating presenteeism): Assessment of work-related functionality*1 100.0% 92.3% 92.1%
Average age 30.2years old 30.3years old 30.4years old
Average years of service 6.3years 6.5years 6.6years
Absenteeism: Absence rate 0.00% 0.68% 1.17% 0.98%
Number of occupational accidents None 3 10
Occupational accident-related fatality rate 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Downtime due to occupational accidents 0.00hours 76.00hours 34.17hours 52.50hours
Percentage that received health and safety training, attendance rate 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Percentage of employees who have received training on diseases unique to women 100.0% 87.8%
Work engagement score*2 2.7 2.6

*1 Measurement method: Wfun (a survey developed by University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan to measure the extent of work-related functional impairment caused by health issues)
*2 Measurement method: New Brief Job Stress Questionnaire (work engagement is a state where employees feel vigor, dedication, and absorption toward their work)

Mental Health Care for Employees
To support the mental and physical health of our employees, we provide them with mental health care from professional counselors, thereby helping in the prevention and early detection of mental health issues.

Occupational Health and Safety
By considering the occupational health and safety of our employees, Artner strives to enhance enterprise value and create an organization where all the employees can work safely and with peace of mind. In addition, because we believe that the ability of our employees to work in good health and with peace of mind will result in the well-being of all the employees and reflection within the company, we promote employee health management and health promotion initiatives.

Risks Related to Potential Hazards Involved in Labor
We strive to prevent accidents and reduce the risk of accidents occurring by providing health and safety education for employees when they join the company and when they are assigned to clients.