Basic Views on Measures against Antisocial Forces

1. Basic approach to the exclusion of antisocial forces

(1) To fulfill its obligations of corporate social responsibility and to protect the Company, any relations with antisocial forces are cut off.

(2) In the event that the company is subjected to any unreasonable demands by antisocial forces, we respond resolutely by legal means.

(3) We set up a “System for Cutting off Relations with Antisocial Forces” based on the manual for dealing with antisocial forces.

(4) In preparation for unreasonable demands by antisocial forces, we are building close partnerships with an external specialized agency, and in the event that we are subjected to an unreasonable demand by antisocial forces, we will consult with the agency regarding how to respond, or request a response from the agency.

(5) Under no circumstances do we, for the sake of convenience, respond by engaging in behind-the-scenes dealing with or providing money to antisocial forces.

(6) We regularly inform Directors and employees of our “System for Cutting off Relations with Antisocial Forces” and promote awareness of it.

2. Internal system for exclusion of antisocial forces

(1) Under the Head of the Management Division, the General Affairs Group, as department responsible for exclusion of antisocial forces, strives to prevent the Company from being subjected to any unreasonable demands from such forces.

(2) We have concluded advisory agreements with a legal advisor and retired police officers, and collaborate with a specialized agency.

(3) In collaboration with the Head of the Management Division, the General Affairs Group receives guidance and advice from the legal advisor as circumstances demand, and maintains a database of information on antisocial forces. As and when needed the group also reports the details of such information to the Board of Directors. Based on the information, each division and the Compliance and Risk Management Meetings examine approaches to the exclusion of antisocial forces.

(4) We distribute a manual for dealing with antisocial forces to all employees and promote awareness of it.

(5) The General Affairs Group raises awareness of issues relating to the exclusion of antisocial forces regularly at internal training sessions.